Belgian Waffle Ride

The Belgian Waffle Race: A Deliciously Challenging Cycling Event

The Belgian Waffle Race is a grueling and delicious cycling event that takes place in Northern California. It is a challenging ride that takes cyclists through some of the most beautiful and scenic landscapes of the area, while also offering them some of the tastiest Belgian waffles they will ever have.

History of the Belgian Waffle Race

The Belgian Waffle Race is a relatively new cycling event, having only been established in 2014. It was created by Bike Monkey, a cycling event production company based in Northern California. The race was inspired by the famous spring classic cycling race, the Tour of Flanders, which is held in Belgium and is known for its challenging climbs and cobblestone roads.

The first Belgian Waffle Race was held in April 2014 and attracted a small group of cyclists who were looking for a new and unique cycling challenge. The course covered over 120 miles of challenging terrain, with steep climbs and winding descents that required skill and endurance to navigate.

Over the years, the race has grown in popularity and has become one of the most popular cycling events in the area. Today, the race covers over 140 miles and attracts cyclists from all over the world.

Race Course

The Belgian Waffle Race course is designed to challenge even the most experienced cyclists. The course covers over 140 miles of challenging terrain, with steep climbs and winding descents that require skill and endurance to navigate. The race starts and finishes in the small town of Folsom, California, and takes cyclists through some of the most beautiful and scenic landscapes of Northern California.

The race course is divided into three main sections: the Flatlands, the Foothills, and the High Sierras. The Flatlands section covers the first 40 miles of the race and is relatively flat and fast. The Foothills section covers the next 50 miles of the race and includes several challenging climbs and descents. The High Sierras section covers the final 50 miles of the race and includes some of the most challenging climbs and descents of the entire course.

One of the most unique aspects of the race course is the aid stations. Instead of the traditional energy drinks and bars, the aid stations at the Belgian Waffle Race offer cyclists a delicious Belgian waffle meal, complete with whipped cream, strawberries, and syrup. The waffles are made fresh on site and are a welcome treat for cyclists who have been on the course for several hours.

Race Day

Race day for the Belgian Waffle Race is always an exciting and intense experience. The race starts early in the morning, with cyclists lining up at the starting line in the small town of Folsom, California. The race is limited to a certain number of participants, so it is important to register early.

Before the race starts, cyclists must attend a mandatory safety meeting and check-in to ensure that they have met all the equipment requirements, such as wearing a helmet and having a functioning bike. Once the safety meeting is over, the race starts with a shotgun blast, and cyclists are off on the first leg of the course.

Throughout the race, cyclists must navigate challenging climbs, winding descents, and rough terrain. The race is self-supported, meaning that cyclists must bring their own food and water, or rely on aid stations located along the course.

One of the most unique aspects of the race is the Belgian waffle aid stations, which are located at various points along the course. The waffles are made fresh on site and are a welcome treat for cyclists who have been on the course for several hours.

The finish line of the race is located in the small town of Folsom, California, where cyclists are welcomed by cheering crowds and a festive atmosphere. The finish line area includes a vendor village with food, drinks, and merchandise, as well as live music and entertainment.

The first cyclists to cross the finish line are awarded prizes and accolades, but the real sense of accomplishment comes from simply finishing the race. The Belgian Waffle Race is a challenging and rewarding experience that requires dedication, skill, and endurance.

Why the Belgian Waffle Race is a Must-Do for Cyclists

There are many reasons why the Belgian Waffle Race is a must-do for cyclists. First and foremost, the race is a unique and challenging experience that offers cyclists the opportunity to test their skills and endurance. The course covers some of the most beautiful and scenic landscapes of Northern California, and the Belgian waffles aid stations are a delicious and welcome treat for cyclists who have been on the course for several hours.

In addition to the physical challenge, the Belgian Waffle Race is also a social and community-building event. Cyclists from all over the world come together to share in the experience, and the finish line area is a festive and lively atmosphere.

Furthermore, the Belgian Waffle Race is also an environmentally conscious event. The race organizers work to minimize the impact of the race on the environment, and cyclists are encouraged to be mindful of their own environmental impact while participating in the race.

Tips for Participating in the Belgian Waffle Race

If you’re considering participating in the Belgian Waffle Race, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, be prepared for a challenging and demanding ride. The course is not for the faint of heart, and it requires skill, endurance, and dedication to complete.

Secondly, make sure to train properly leading up to the race. This includes building endurance and strength through regular cycling and cross-training, as well as practicing on challenging terrain.

Thirdly, make sure to pack appropriately for the race. This includes bringing enough food and water to sustain you throughout the race, as well as any necessary bike tools and equipment.

Lastly, be sure to take care of yourself during the race. This includes staying hydrated, fueling properly, and taking breaks as needed.


The Belgian Waffle Race is a unique and challenging cycling event that offers cyclists the opportunity to test their skills and endurance, while also enjoying some of the most delicious Belgian waffles they will ever have. The race is a must-do for cyclists who are looking for a new and unique challenge, and it attracts participants from all over the world.

With its challenging course, unique aid stations, and festive atmosphere, the Belgian Waffle Race is an unforgettable experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who participates. So if you’re a cycling enthusiast looking for a challenge, be sure to add the Belgian Waffle Race to your bucket list.

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